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Hello fellows, have you ever confused that whether you should learn python or not. Maybe you decided to learn python but didn’t know where to start?

大家好,您是否曾经困惑过是否应该学习python。 也许您决定学习python,但不知道从哪里开始?

So in this article we’ll guide you about the best way to learn Python.


Why to learn python?


There can be many reasons that can make you start to learn Python. Some of them are as follows:

有很多原因可以使您开始学习Python。 其中一些如下:

  • Easy syntax: Python syntax is very easy to learn than any other programming language out there. If you’re an experienced programmer and new to python you’ll amazed after seeing the easiness of writing code in python. Even if you’re new to programming you can start programming with Python right away.

    语法简单: Python语法比其他任何编程语言都易于学习。 如果您是一位经验丰富的程序员并且是python的新手,那么您会发现用python编写代码的便捷性会感到惊讶。 即使您不熟悉编程,也可以立即开始使用Python进行编程。

  • Readability: In most other programming languages, we use indentation only to help make the code look pretty, but in Python it is required. Whether you’re inside in a loop or declaring some functions you have shift your block of code with certain amount of spaces to indicate what block of code a statement belongs too, which increases readability of a code written in Python.

    可读性:在大多数其他编程语言中,我们仅使用缩进来帮助使代码看起来更漂亮,但是在Python中是必需的。 无论您是处于循环内部还是声明一些函数,都已将代码块移位了一定的空格以指示语句也属于哪个代码块,从而提高了用Python编写的代码的可读性。

  • High level language: Python looks more like a readable, human language than like a low-level  language, which gives you ability to program at faster rate than a low-level language will allow you.

    高级语言: Python比低级语言更像是一种可读的人类语言,这使您能够以比低级语言所允许的更快的速度进行编程。

  • Object oriented programming language: Python’s support for object-oriented programming in one of its greatest benefits to new programmers because they will be encountering the same concepts and terminology in their work but python also support structured programming fully. So you can code in any style you want.

    面向对象编程语言: Python对面向对象编程的支持是新程序员最大的好处之一,因为他们将在工作中遇到相同的概念和术语,但是python也完全支持结构化编程。 因此,您可以使用所需的任何样式进行编码。

  • Free and cross-platform: Python is both free and open source. It runs on all major operating systems like Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

    免费和跨平台: Python既免费又开源。 它可以在Windows,Linux和Mac OS X等所有主要操作系统上运行。

  • Large number of standard libraries: Python contains over than 300 standard library modules which contain modules and classes for a wide variety of programming tasks, which will help us to reduce the length of our code and provide easiness to write code.

    大量标准库: Python包含300多个标准库模块,这些模块包含用于各种编程任务的模块和类,这将有助于我们减少代码长度并简化编写代码。

  • Python is everywhere: Yeah you read it right, Python is everywhere. It can be used in server automation. It have several great libraries for building web apps like flask, Django. It is heavily being used in scientific computing, it has several libraries dedicated to specific area in scientific computing like NumPy, SciPy, EarthPy and AstroPy.  Python is also used in Game development using the library PyGame which support sound, mouse and keyboard interaction and more. The popular 3D application Maya supports Python. If you want to develop desktop application, then Python comes up with the tkinter module built-in. The companies like Instagram, Amazon, Spotify, Facebook  and many other using Python language heavily

    Python无处不在:是的,您读对了,Python无处不在。 它可以用于服务器自动化。 它具有用于构建Web应用程序(例如flask,Django)的多个出色的库。 它在科学计算中被大量使用,它有多个专门针对科学计算领域的库,例如NumPy,SciPy,EarthPy和AstroPy。 使用PyGame库在游戏开发中也使用Python,该库支持声音,鼠标和键盘的交互等等。 流行的3D应用程序Maya支持Python。 如果要开发桌面应用程序,则Python内置了tkinter模块。 Instagram,Amazon,Spotify,Facebook等公司大量使用Python语言

Best Way to Learn Python

学习Python的最佳方法是什么? (What is the Best Way to Learn Python?)

Before starting, you’ve to decide that which version of Python you’re going to learn Python 2 or Python 3. To see which one is best to start with please open 

在开始之前,您必须确定要学习哪个版本的Python 2或Python3。要查看从哪个版本开始,请打开

But if you’re new to Python then we recommend you to start with Python 3 because it is the future of Python.

但是,如果您不熟悉Python,那么我们建议您从Python 3开始,因为这是Python的未来。

准备好一切 (Get Everything Ready)

Before starting with Python you’ve to make an environment where you can write and execute python scripts. To write scripts we can use any text editor like notepad, vim editor, sublime etc. and in order to run the programs, we can use command prompt or terminal but your system should have Python installed in it. If you’re using a Linux distribution like Ubuntu, Fedora, Kali or you are a mac user then you doesn’t have to install Python externally, because most of the Linux based operating systems comes with Python pre-installed in it.

在开始使用Python之前,您必须创建一个可以编写和执行python脚本的环境。 要编写脚本,我们可以使用任何文本编辑器,例如记事本,vim编辑器,sublime等。为了运行程序,我们可以使用命令提示符或终端,但您的系统应在其中安装Python。 如果您使用的是Linux发行版,例如Ubuntu,Fedora,Kali或您是mac用户,则不必在外部安装Python,因为大多数基于Linux的操作系统都预先安装了Python。

But if you’re using a PC (windows based) then the process of installing Python 3 will be same as we install any other software. To download the Python 3 visit here  and during installation, don’t forget to check the checkbox showing “add python to path”, so you’ll be able to access the Python in command prompt.

但是,如果您使用的是PC(基于Windows),那么安装Python 3的过程将与我们安装任何其他软件的过程相同。 要下载Python 3,请访问 ,在安装过程中,请不要忘记选中显示“将python添加到路径”的复选框,这样您就可以访问命令提示符中的Python。

However we can also use an IDE where we can write and execute the programs at one place. To check which  IDE you should use, please visit 

但是,我们也可以使用IDE,可以在一个地方编写和执行程序。 要检查您应该使用哪个IDE,请访问

Python基础 (Python Basics)

First of all, we’ll talk about the basics of Python. In basics, the topics you’ve to cover are as follows:

首先,我们将讨论Python的基础知识。 从根本上讲,您要讨论的主题如下:

Introduction to Python


  • Python Syntax

  • Strings and Console Output

  • Conditionals and Control Flow

  • Functions

  • List & Dictionaries

  • Loops

  • Introduction to Python

  • File input and output


Free Courses:


To learn these basics concepts you can take this free online course .

要学习这些基础概念,您可以参加此免费的在线课程 。

Or you can take this free course from Udacity 


Or you can take this free course from Udemy 

或者,您可以从Udemy 免费课程

Even you doesn’t touch programming before, these courses will help you to teach you all the basics you need to know.


Best Books:


If you prefer reading more than watching videos then these books will help you to learn the basics of Python –


  1. Python Programming for absolute beginners: 

    适用于绝对初学者的Python编程: :

  2. Learning Python:

    学习Python: :

Free Youtube Videos:


Here are some of the best Youtube playlists that can help you learn Python easily-


  1. Python Tutorials for beginners (ProgrammingKnowledge):

    适用于初学者的Python教程(ProgrammingKnowledge): :

  2. Python programming Tutorials (thenewboston): 

    Python编程教程(thenewboston): : HBxCHonP6Ro list PL6gx4Cwl9DGAcbMi1sH6oAMk4JHw91mC_

After you learn the basics. Now you’ve to decide what you want to do next. Because Python doesn’t have a specific area. Things you can build with Python are as follows:

学完基础知识之后。 现在,您必须决定下一步要做什么。 因为Python没有特定区域。 您可以使用Python构建的内容如下:

  • Websites: If you’re interested in making websites, then try Django Web Framework, Pyramid, Flask and learn it.

    网站:如果您对制作网站感兴趣,请尝试Django Web Framework,Pyramid,Flask并学习它。

  • Games: If you’re interested in making games, then try You can make games with graphics and sounds.


  • Desktop and Mobile application: Kivy, Tkinter, wxWidgets, pyqt, GTK+ or Pyside are used to make multi-touch application for  desktop and mobile platforms.

    桌面和移动应用程序: Kivy,Tkinter,wxWidgets,pyqt,GTK +或Pyside用于制作用于桌面和移动平台的多点触摸应用程序。

  • Web scraping: Beautifulsoup is used for gathering information from websites.

    网站抓取: Beautifulsoup用于从网站收集信息。

  • Scientific and numeric computing: SciPy, Pandas, Ipython can be used for scientific computing and data analysis.

    科学和数值计算: SciPy,Pandas,Ipython可用于科学计算和数据分析。

This is not enough, there are a lot of other things that one can do with Python. But for now we’ll see how to learn the above mentioned topics in Python. Lets see them one by one.

这还不够,Python还可以做很多其他事情。 但是现在,我们将看到如何在Python中学习上述主题。 让我们一一看。

学习使用Python创建网站 (Learn Making Websites with Python)

Paid Courses:


Here are the list of courses where you can learn Python Web Development.

这是您可以学习Python Web开发的课程列表。

1Complete Python Web Course: It is a paid course offered by Udemy, where you’ll learn building Web application with Python and Flask. In this course you’ll also build 8 web application for better practice.

1完整的Python Web课程:这是Udemy提供的付费课程,您将在其中学习如何使用Python和Flask构建Web应用程序。 在本课程中,您还将构建8个Web应用程序以进行更好的练习。



2. The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Django: Learn how to make and publish websites with Django and Python. They will teach you to make three complete apps and publish one online. It is also a paid course by Udemy.

2. Django终极入门指南:了解如何使用Django和Python创建和发布网站。 他们将教您制作三个完整的应用程序,并在线发布一个。 它也是Udemy的付费课程。



Free Youtube Videos:


Here is the list of some of the best YouTube playlists that can help you to lean Python web development for free.


1. Django Tutorials for Beginners (By thenewboston): So far in this playlist, you will learn the very basics of Django in a very friendly voice of Bucky Roberts.

1. Django初学者教程(由thenewboston编写):到目前为止,在此播放列表中,您将以Bucky Roberts友好的声音学习Django的基础知识。



2. Django Tutorials (By Max Goodridge): 

2. Django教程(由Max Goodridge提供): : list PLw​​02n0FEB3E3VSHjyYMcFadtQORvl1Ssj Fc2O3_2kax8

After you’ve completed these courses you’ll get the basic idea how to make websites or web applications using Python. Then start a personal major project and complete it.

完成这些课程后,您将获得有关如何使用Python制作网站或Web应用程序的基本思想。 然后开始一个个人重大项目并完成它。

学习使用Python制作游戏 (Learn Making Games with Python)

If you want to develop games with Python you’re gonna end-up with PyGame. To learn how to make  games with PyGame  follow these courses.

如果您想使用Python开发游戏,那么您将最终使用PyGame。 要学习如何使用PyGame制作游戏,请遵循以下课程。

1. Making games with Python & Pygame (By AI Sweigart)– its a 365 pages PDF that will help you to make mini games using PyGame. This pdf is completely free out there. You can download it from here 

1.使用Python和Pygame制作游戏(由AI Sweigart编写)–长达365页的PDF,可帮助您使用PyGame制作迷你游戏。 该pdf文件在那里完全免费。 您可以从这里下载

But you can’t learn from a book as fast as you can learn with a teacher or from video tutorials. So here is the list of some of the YouTube playlists for games development using PyGame-

但是,您无法像在老师或视频教程中那样快地学习书本。 因此,这是一些使用PyGame开发游戏的YouTube播放列表,

2. PyGame – Python Game development (By thenewboston): This video series will teach you all the basics of PyGame that you need.

2. PyGame – Python游戏开发(由thenewboston编写):该视频系列将教您所需的PyGame的所有基础知识。



3. Master Python interactively with PyGame (By Udemy): If you have some money in your pocket to learn gaming in Python then it can be your best choice because after completing this course you’ll know all the basics of PyGame and how to use sounds and make your game interactive.




学习使用Python制作移动和桌面应用程序 (Learn Making Mobile and Desktop Application with Python)

As I mentioned above that we can make desktop or mobile application using Tkinter, GTK+, Qt, Kivy or wxWidgets. Here are some of the best courses that will help you to make GUI applicaion using Python.

如前所述,我们可以使用Tkinter,GTK +,Qt,Kivy或wxWidgets制作桌面或移动应用程序。 以下是一些最佳课程,它们将帮助您使用Python进行GUI应用。

Its highly recommend to take a paid course from udemy to learn GUI. However there are many free courses available out there but they aren’t teaching enough to make you an expert of GUI Development.

强烈建议您从udemy参加付费课程来学习GUI。 但是,这里有许多免费的课程,但是它们的教学不足以使您成为GUI开发的专家。

1. Learn Python GUI programming using Qt framework: This 12 hours course will teach you how to write your own complex desktop application. This course is about Python GUI programming and building GUI applications using Python and Qt framework.

1.学习使用Qt框架进行Python GUI编程:此12小时的课程将教您如何编写自己的复杂桌面应用程序。 本课程是关于Python GUI编程以及如何使用Python和Qt框架构建GUI应用程序的。



2. Python GUI : From A-to-Z With 2 Final Projects: Learn How To Build A Powerfull GUI in Python programming Using Python And Tkinter.

2. Python GUI:从A到Z包含2个最终项目:学习如何使用Python和Tkinter在Python编程中构建功能强大的GUI。



3. Python Kivy The Full Guide: Learn How To Build A Powerful Android Applications and Games using Python And Kivy. It is also a paid course like above two.

3. Python Kivy完整指南:了解如何使用Python和Kivy构建功能强大的Android应用程序和游戏。 这也是两个以上的付费课程。



So these were some of paid courses that will help you learn a lot. But if you don’t want to spend you single penny then here is some of the best books and YouTube playlists that can help you to learn GUI development using Python.

这些是一些付费课程,可以帮助您学习很多。 但是,如果您不想花一分钱,那么这里有一些最好的书和YouTube播放列表,可以帮助您学习使用Python进行GUI开发。

4. Python GUI with Tkinter (thenewboston): This playlist will help you learn the very basics of Tkinter like how to draw basic widgets like buttons, labels, dropdown menus, frames, checkbox, and many more.

4.带有Tkinter的Python GUI(thenewboston):此播放列表将帮助您学习Tkinter的基础知识,例如如何绘制诸如按钮,标签,下拉菜单,框架,复选框等的基本小部件。



5. Kivy application development (sentdex): As we know now that Kivy is used to make android application using Python. This YouTube play will help you to learn the basics of android application using Kivy.

5. Kivy应用程序开发(Sentdex):我们现在知道Kivy用于使用Python制作android应用程序。 这部YouTube影片将帮助您使用Kivy学习android应用程序的基础知识。



6. PyQT Python GUI application development (sentdex): This playlist will help you to make desktop application using PyQT.

6. PyQT Python GUI应用程序开发(Sentdex):此播放列表将帮助您使用PyQT制作桌面应用程序。



If you prefer reading more than watching then here is the list of books that  can help you.


7. Python – GUI Programming (Tkinter): This website (Tutorialspoint) will help you to understand each concept of Tkinter module. Whether you’re new or experienced with Tkinter, it can help you a lot and this is free of cost too. You can download the full course of Tkinter as PDF to learn offline.

7. Python – GUI编程(Tkinter):此网站(Tutorialspoint)将帮助您了解Tkinter模块的每个概念。 无论您是Tkinter的新手还是经验丰富的人,它都可以为您提供很多帮助,而且这也无需任何费用。 您可以将Tkinter的完整课程下载为PDF,以离线学习。



Here are some of other resources that can help you.


8. PyQT Tutorial –

8. PyQT教程–

9. wxPython Tutorial –

9. wxPython教程–

学习使用Python进行网页爬取 (Learn Web Scraping with Python)

After searching a lot I found out the best course which can help you to lean web scraping is Web Scraping with Python: BeautifulSoup, Requests & Selenium by Udemy.  None of the youtube playlist can help you this much as this course will do. But this is a paid course and you have to spend some extra money then any other course mentioned above.

经过大量搜索后,我发现可以帮助您进行Web抓取的最佳课程是Udemy编写的 Python Web Scraping:BeautifulSoup,Requests和Selenium YouTube播放列表无法像本课程那样对您有太大帮助。 但这是一门付费课程,您必须花一些额外的钱,然后再加上上面提到的任何其他课程。



But again if you’re not willing to spend money then remember you have to practice a lot because without money you’re not gonna learn a lot from youtube playlists.


Here are some of the video links :


  1. Intro to web scrapping with Python and Beautiful Soup: 

    使用Python和Beautiful Soup进行网页抓取的简介:

  2. Python Tutorial: Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup and Requests –


But still we recommend you to take Udemy paid course.


使用Python学习科学计算 (Learn  Scientific Computing with Python)

The best way to learn scientific computing (NumPy, Pandas, Seaborn , Matplotlib , Plotly , Scikit-Learn , Machine Learning, Tensorflow , and more) in Python we recommend you to start with any video tutorials to get the basic idea how things work and then learn each  single module from a standard book. Because in Videos all the methods or properties of a module can’t be covered. That’s why we recommend you to learn with a Book.

在Python中学习科学计算的最佳方法(NumPy,Pandas,Seaborn,Matplotlib,Plotly,Scikit-Learn,机器学习,Tensorflow等),我们建议您从任何视频教程入手,以基本了解事物的工作原理以及然后从标准书中学习每个模块。 因为在视频中无法涵盖模块的所有方法或属性。 因此,我们建议您学习一本书。

Take this course from udemy first-


1. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp: It have 21 hours of lectures and easily explained.

1. Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp:它有21个小时的讲座,并且很容易解释。



Then purchase this book from amazon or from your nearest book store.


2. Scientific Computing with Python 3: 


Believe me once you have completed the course and mastered each concept mentioned in this book, you can name your self as a data scientist.


If you want to know tools for working with excel and python then refer tutorial.


I hope this article will help you to find best resource and best way to learn python. If you have any problem or suggestions related with this article then please comment below.

我希望本文能帮助您找到最佳的资源和学习python的最佳方法。 如果您有与本文相关的任何问题或建议,请在下面评论。



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